With careful planning a student can complete two degrees. Because of the definition of the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree, a student pursuing a BS who wants another major, whether a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or an additional BS, must pursue a dual degree. A student may request a BA and a BS or two BS degrees in the same undergraduate college or across the undergraduate colleges.
Students must officially request permission to pursue two degrees by filling out the dual degree petition (provided above), scheduling a meeting with the appropriate undergraduate college(s), and submitting an approved semester-by-semester academic plan. The academic plan cannot demonstrate a course credit overload in any semester, and is preferably reviewed by an advisor in each degree program. There are two fundamental requirements:
- The student must earn 30 credits beyond the first degree to earn any second degree at Lehigh. (Accordingly, the dual degree usually takes five years, but students can reduce the total time with AP credits or summer session courses.)
- Graduation and distribution requirements must be satisfied in both programs.
There is no limit to the overlap of courses for dual degrees, but each major in the dual degree program must have at least 30 credits that stands independently of coursework in the other major.
If you would like to request a dual degree (a BS degree combined with either another BS or a BA), in the College of Arts & Sciences please make an appointment with the Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Advising, Beth Pelton, by reaching out to inadvise@lehigh.edu.
The Arts-Engineering (AE) Program provides students the opportunity to pursue a BA in the College of Arts and Sciences and a BS in the PC Rossin College of Engineering & Applied Sciences. For more information about the AE Program, please reach out to either of the special program directors, Assistant Dean Beth Pelton or Assistant Dean Susan Perry.